Making Home Away

So I sat them down and told them: the five of us are here, me, you and your father, wherever the five of us are, that place should be your heaven.
Discover their stories


Current 'Home' West Midlands, UK


Menna responds thoughtfully to the very act of being asked about home. She registers an awareness of the difficulty, not just of displacement, but of talking about displacement, while also gesturing towards the importance of community.

“Every weekend, I take my children and go for picnics. They take their bicycles, and I make food for them. We also meet with other friends so the children can play together. This helps my children remember how they were playing when they were young in Syria. The kids used to go every Friday for fishing with their dad in Al Asi river. They still have these memories, though my daughter was very young, she does not have memories about Syria”.


“Sometimes, I make food and I invite my neighbours and my friends. We usually meet and spend part of the night together. Some of these activities remind me of home and does not let me feel lonely here”.




*** Interviews carried out by Doha Samir


This extract is from an interview conducted by VICKI SQUIRE during 2020 as part of the British Academy funded ‘Lost and Found: A Digital Archive of Migration, Displacement and Resettlement’  project’s Making Home Away archive.



Current 'Home'
West Midlands, UK


Current 'Home'
West Midlands, UK